Tile Calculator

Tile Calculator

     Free tool to calculate the number of ceramic tiles in a space.

Calculate the number of tiles
     Enter the length, width of the tile, and the area of the space to calculate the number of tiles in the specified area.
Tile dimensions:
Length cm
Width cm
Space area:
Area m2
Number of tiles
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Online Free Tile Calculation Tool

The Tile Calculation Tool allows you to calculate the number of tiles required to cover a specific area.
The Tile Calculation Tool enables you to calculate the number of tiles or ceramic needed to cover a specific area in a space. Simply enter the dimensions of a single tile in centimeters, and the area of the space in square meters, and the tool will determine the number of ceramic pieces needed to cover the specified area. The tool is accurate, even when dealing with fractions, and can calculate the number of ceramic tiles, marble tiles, and other types of square or rectangular tiles.

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